Saturday Morning Torah Study

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Saturday, January 13, 2024 - 8:30am
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Saturday Morning Torah Study

With Calyah Chanah

Sat, Jan 13th at 8:30am via Zoom


"Bo"/ Come is repeated over and over in the meetings of Moshe, Aharon and Pharaoh. H' tells our guys, "Come to Pharaoh". Why "come? Why not "Go"? This question, and so many more, fill this plague-infested parshah. Our readings include the threat of the 10th plague (the killing of the first-borns), and instructions for us to prepare to share roasted lamb, paint our doorposts with its blood, and be ready to leave in haste when we get the all-clear.

Because Aven Clow will become bat mitzvah at the 10:00 service this Shabbes, we will have a very brief time to meet for Torah Study. I will be Zooming our study from the library so if any of you want to join me there you are welcome (masks are encouraged). Or you can come on line as usual.

We'll make the bracha for study right at 8:30, and instead of our loose schmooze for the first half hour we will jump into our parshah-related question/check-in. We'll begin to read and discuss at 9, and end around 9:45. Here are the aliyot for our triennial reading, even though we will not get to many of them:


In Shemot/Exodus:

1)   11:4-10

2)  12:1-10

3)   12:11-13

4)   12:14-16

5)   12:17-20

6)   12:21-24

7)   12:25-28


Zoom link:


Meeting ID: 813 8928 3526

Passcode: Shalom


Here is the link to our blessings:

Torah study blessings



Calyah Chanah
