
Temple Beth El was built with the vision, dedication, and personal sacrifice of our founding members who formed a Congregation in the 1950s, usually meeting in one another’s houses. Those members, along with a number of non-Jewish local business owners, raised the money to build a mortgage-free Synagogue, the first one in California north of Santa Rosa. The property at the corner of Hodgson and T Streets in Eureka was purchased in May of 1964; groundbreaking was in 1966 and the building was completed on April 22, 1967. Rabbi Trepp, of blessed memory, presided at the dedication ceremony. The building was extensively renovated in 2000 and its 50th birthday was celebrated in 2017.

Our building features a small sanctuary and attached social hall with a small kitchen. The building includes an extensive Jewish Library with reference books as well as books for members to borrow that have been hand-selected by Rabbi Steinberg and the Library Committee. The mid-century modern building features redwood paneling throughout, with a beautiful locally handcrafted Ark to hold two of our three Torah Scrolls. Seating is available for up to 130 people and many luncheons are served on the attached patio. The synagogue is just a block from Eureka’s Sequoia Park.