
To serve our diverse membership, Shabbat and other holiday services are offered in various formats ranging from formal programs featuring the Temple Choir and soloists to informal gatherings appropriate for families with young children.  Services include prayers, blessings and songs in Hebrew and English, Torah teachings, and sometimes dance or meditation.  Festive, modest attire is encouraged.  Participants are asked to refrain from the use of perfumes and scented products.  Parents are expected to supervise their children at all times.

  • Chanukah – Our Chanukah celebration is often held in a community venue where we have plenty of room to light dozens of menorahs (chanukiyot), join a Choir-led sing along, enjoy a craft fair, dance to klezmer music and dine on latkes.
  • Shabbat Shira – On the Sabbath of Song we enjoy a special evening of music with our Choir and on Shabbat morning we leyn (chant) the Shirat HaYam (Song of the Sea), followed by a community luncheon.
  • Tu B’Shevat – The New Year of the Trees is celebrated with two kabbalistic seders: a candlelight gathering for adults and a morning celebration for families with young children.
  • Purim – We observe Purim with a rolicking reading of Megillat Esther (the Book of Esther) and a carnival for children.
  • Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day is observed with a service including music by our Choir and soloists, and a guest speaker or documentary film.
  • Pesach – Our Community Passover Seder is a family-friendly event with singing, discussion, ritual foods and a community dinner.
  • Shavout We enjoy a late night or all-night Tikkun Leyl Shavuot study and song session and a beautiful morning reading of the Aseret HaDibrot (the Ten Commandments).
  • Tisha B’av The Ninth of Av is observed with a study session or service including chanting from Eicha (Lamentations.)