At Temple Beth El we strive to provide meaningful, enjoyable Jewish education for children ages five through sixteen. We emphasize Hebrew language skills for learning prayers and blessings, Jewish values and customs and holiday traditions. We try to help every child and family develop a strong, positive sense of belonging to the diverse local, national and international Jewish community. Together we explore the joys and challenges of our relationship with Israel. We both preserve and reinterpret ancient traditions to enhance contemporary family life and develop Jewish identity.
Jews in the Wilderness
This unique program is part of Temple Beth El’s children’s education program. JIW provides outdoor Jewish education experiences for children ages 5-16.The program meets seven Sundays throughout the school year in various outdoor locations. It’s a wonderful way to connect with your community and heritage and a great way to make friends. It is a program that celebrates the beauty of our place, the wilds of spectacular Humboldt County, with a focus on earth-based spiritual Judaism, ecology, our history, songs, crafts, Hebrew prayers and, of course, the food of our people. Enrollment is open for members and non-members of TBE. Questions? Email:
Celebrating your Bar or Bat Mitzvah at Temple Beth El
Religious education for young people at Temple Beth El culminates in a festive Bar or Bat Mitzvah, usually at age thirteen or older. Each student assists the Rabbi in leading parts of the prayer service, reads from the Torah scroll using traditional trope melodies, and gives a thoughtful teaching on the Torah reading. Our Adult Education program also offers B’nai Mitzvah training and celebrations for adult students. Both youth and adult students may choose from a range of formats for their teaching, including a speech, readers’ theatre, artwork, poetry and fiction. Students of all abilities are encouraged to become B’nai Mitzvah though our highly individualized program.
Students are eligible to enter the B’nai Mitzvah program at the minimum age of 10.5 years with the pre-requisite skills listed below. (Please note suggested remediation below.) At least one parent, grandparent, or guardian must be a member of Temple Beth El. Current program fees are available from the office.
Pre-requisite skills to enter B’nai Mitzvah Program……Remediation:
- Phonetic reading of Hebrew…………………..Tutoring (additional cost)
- Familiarity with Shabbat prayers………………Attendance at services
- General knowledge of Torah stories………….Family reading
- Familiarity with major holidays………………..Attendance at TBE events
Contact the temple office at for details of this program.