Monday Night Torah

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Monday, February 26, 2024 - 6:00pm
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Monday Night Torah

with Phil Lazzar

“Ivdu et Hashem b’Simcha”


Monday, Feb. 26, 2024

6pm-7pm PST

Zoom Room




You Shall Command


“And you shall command the children of Israel that they take for you olive oil, clear, crushed, for illumination, etc…”  Exodus 27:20


This week’s Torah portion is called “Tetzaveh”, “You Shall Command.”  It stands in contrast to last week’s Torah portion, “Terumah”, in which we were told to bring gifts from every person whose heart is so moved.


What’s the difference between charity and tzedakah?

Giving charity is a very high level. When a person gives charity, they take some of what belongs to them and they give it to someone in need. When they give charity, they help the person in need.


With respect to tzedakah, the person realizes that everything in their possession is owned by G-d and giving to someone in need is not an option but rather a command. They must do it. They have no choice. When they do it, they are fulfilling their obligation to G-d.


What is the advantage of tzedakah over charity?

Both are important.  However, with charity, a person might be doing it for a number of reasons beyond simply helping the person in need. Perhaps they are giving because they have a good heart. Or, perhaps because they feel sorry for the person or feel guilty that they have so much. Or, they want to receive thanks or recognition.


As wonderful as giving charity is, it can lead the giver to actually grow their ego because they are the one helping the other.


How is tzedakah different?

With respect to tzedakah, the giver does not grow their ego because, first of all, what they give doesn’t belong to them.  They see themselves more like a teller in the bank. The teller does not grow their ego when they give money to someone because they know, for sure, that the money does not belong to them.


Also, the giver is not giving because they have a good heart but because they are obeying a command from G-d. They are a servant of G-d. They are fulfilling their obligation. With respect to the teller, the teller is simply doing their job.