Rabbi Naomi often blesses us with writings of her thoughts and teachings.
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Rosh HaShanah Teaching 5777/2016
We call this the season of Teshuvah, usually translated as repentance, but more precisely meaning turning, returning, or completion of a circuit. Jewish tradition focuses intently on words – engraved, […]
High Holy Days Letter 2016
In the Book of Devarim (Deuteronomy) we read, “Justice, justice you shall pursue.” (Chapter 16, Verse 20) The month of Elul is drawing to a close with a sudden wave […]
Longing for Liberation
One of the most deeply religious feelings we can experience is longing – longing for closeness with God, longing to be on good terms with the Cosmos, longing to love […]
When In Rome
With a twinkle in his eye, my grandfather liked to ask us, “What do you say to the Pope on Yom Kippur?” Then he would divulge the answer: “Good yontiff, […]
The Reverend and the Rabbi – Honoring Martin Luther King Day
At a climactic moment in the Civil Rights struggle in 1965, Reverend Martin Luther King called on religious leaders across the country to join him in the third march from […]