Rabbi Naomi often blesses us with writings of her thoughts and teachings.
Below is a selection of teasers for recent posts.
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Chanukah Message – 2020
Do not separate yourself from the community.” אַל תִּפְרֹשׁ מִן הַצִּבּוּר – Al tifrosh min ha-tsibur – Pirkey Avot 2:14 This has become my mantra throughout the pandemic. As we […]
Seeking Forgiveness
With the coming of autumn, the Jewish High Holy Days are a time of deep reflection and renewal. All around the world we wish each other “L’Shanah Tova,” meaning , […]
High Holy Days Plans
Shalom Tomorrow evening (8/20) we enter the month of Elul which means that Rosh HaShana is just a month away. In this time of turmoil and suffering for so many […]
A High Holy Days 2020 Letter from Rabbi Naomi
Dear Temple Members & Friends, This will be a High Holy Day season unlike any before. In their wisdom, our dedicated Board has decided that all our events will […]
Shabbat Chazon – Shabbat of Vision
How do we cultivate positive vision when we know something awful is coming? 2,000 years ago the rabbis of the Talmud grappled with this question as they coped with the […]