Rabbi Naomi often blesses us with writings of her thoughts and teachings.
Below is a selection of teasers for recent posts.
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Rabbi Naomi’s Passover Message 2023
Why is this Passover different from all other Passovers? On all other Passovers we’ve discussed injustice, tyranny and the longing for liberation. On this Passover we must do everything we […]
From Rabbi Naomi – We need you on our TBE Event Team!
As we move back to in person events, we need a team! Sadly, we’re in a new era of health and security concerns and our old, informal ways will not […]
Loss, Compassion, and Rememberance
“Holy One, full of compassion, grant perfect rest under the wings of the Shechinah, the Divine Presence…” These beautiful words begin El Malei Rachamim, the prayer we recite at burials […]
ר תָלִֶּׁ֨ינִּי֙ אָלִִּ֔ין עַמֵׁ֣ךְ עַמִִּ֔י וֵאלֹהֵַ֖יִּךְ אֱלֹהָָֽי׃ But Ruth replied, “Do not urge me to leave you, to turn back and not follow you. For wherever you go, I will […]
From the Rabbi: Harris & Emhoff Chanukah Message
I was delighted to see the video of our Vice-President Elect and her husband offering a Chanukah message. I was struck by their warmth, and also by their interpretation of […]