All are welcome. We typically look at the weekly Torah portions, upcoming holidays, and other teachings. We draw from the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov, the Ramchal, The Baal HaSulam, and Bachya ibn Pekuda. Emphasis is placed on learning the essence of Judaism and its purpose. If you are interested in joining this study, […]
All are welcome. Each week we look into the basics of Judaism including our sacred literature, holidays, and teachings of our sages of blessed memory. The class is open to everyone but especially geared to those with little or no background. Questions are encouraged. If you are interested in joining this class, please contact the temple office […]
We celebrate Shabbat with weekly Friday evening services led by Rabbi Naomi and other Ba'alei Tefilah (Service Leaders), followed by a community dinner or Oneg (refreshments.) Times will vary depending on who is leading the service. Saturday morning Torah services are held a few times a year. If you are interested in attending a shabbat […]
On Zoom Saturday Morning Torah Study is an in-depth look at the week's parsha held every Saturday on Zoom. If you are interested in attending this Torah study, please contact the temple office at