To serve our diverse membership, Shabbat and other holiday services are offered in various formats ranging from formal programs featuring the Temple Choir and soloists to informal gatherings appropriate for families with young children. Services include prayers, blessings and songs in Hebrew and English, Torah teachings, and sometimes dance or meditation. Festive, modest attire is encouraged. Participants are asked to refrain from the use of perfumes and scented products. Parents are expected to supervise their children at all times.
- Shabbat: Rabbi Naomi Steinberg leads Kabbalat Shabbat (welcoming the Sabbath) and Ma’Ariv (evening) services approximately once a month; the remainders are conducted by Tefilah Leaders. Services are followed by Oneg (refreshments) or a community dinner.
- Torah Study: A lively member led Torah Study takes place every Shabbat (Saturday) morning from 8:30 AM to noon.
- High Holy Days: Rosh Hashannah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah are celebrated with the Rabbi, soloists, and choir.
- Holidays: Services and celebrations are always filled with kavanah.
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