This week Israeli Independence Day, Yom Ha-Atzmaut, marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the State.  

Let’s begin with a beautiful prayer:

Prayer for North American Jews on the 75th Anniversary of Israel’s Founding

Yom Ha-Atzmaut is preceded one day by Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror: An Israeli Perspective: Israeli Memorial and Independence Day | Reform Judaism. “The idea behind this is that the day before celebrating our independence, we are reminded of the price and sacrifice made by so many in order to keep us free.”

This year these two holidays come at an unprecedented time with ongoing mass protests against the government plan to restrict the power of Israel’s Supreme Court, a move that many see as an infringement on basic rights.  

Over 3,000 North American Jewish leaders are gathered in Tel Aviv for The Jewish Federations of North America’s annual General Assembly.  Take a look at the wonderful faces of the Speakers | The General Assembly 2023.  The General Assembly usually takes place in North America, but was planned to coincide with the 75 Anniversary events in Israel.  Now those 3,000 North American Jewish leaders have been drawn into the protests:

Jewish Federations Conference Opening Night Ends as Israeli Protesters Beg: Save Us! – Israel News –

Bereaved Families, U.S. Jewish Leaders Take Center-stage at Nationwide Protests Ahead of Unprecedented Memorial Day – Israel News

Activists gear up for chance to bring 3,000 visiting US Jews into anti-overhaul fray | The Times of Israel

The spectacular growth and success of Israel’s high-tech sector stands as perhaps the greatest real-life miracle in Jewish history, providing Israel with a relatively high standard of living.  But the economic blessing of high-tech is at risk in the current political crisis: 

Israel’s High-tech Crisis: Treasury Examining if Forecast and Budget Need Readjustment – “The most serious long-term damage will be to tax revenues, with the high-tech industry currently contributing 25 percent of the country’s tax revenues and 11 percent of workers employed in this industry.”

At risk is not just economic prosperity but also the moral integrity of the nation, already strained by the long, unresolved conflict with its Palestinian citizens and neighbors. 

Why is Israel increasingly aligning itself with dictators? – The Forward

My beloved friend and colleague Rabbi Bob Rottenberg has penned a moving reflection for us at this critical time.  Let’s take his wise words to heart.

B’shalom ~ In peace, 

Rabbi Naomi