Tomorrow evening (8/20) we enter the month of Elul which means that Rosh HaShana is just a month away. In this time of turmoil and suffering for so many people across our country and our world, I hope we all will draw inspiration and insight from the profound messages of the High Holy Days. This year we’ll gather by electronic means only; services and study sessions will be accessible via live stream or Zoom. Our full schedule of events will be available
Though we won’t have our wonderful choir, I’m glad to announce that our soloists Bel-Ami and Berel have graciously volunteered to join me in leading services at an outdoor location to ensure safe singing. (Who would ever have dreamt that singing would become a dangerous practice!) We’re looking for a private home with a covered deck or porch and good internet connection. Please contact us if your home might be appropriate and you could host an event.
Copies of our Machzor can be checked out from TBE and an electronic version will be accessible, details to be announced.
If I can be of assistance to any of you, please don’t hesitate to call me.